Chicken Little's Day at Therapy.
Posted on 21st May 2021 at 18:12
Chicken Little sat down in the therapy chair across me. It was clear that he was terrified, his wings bent upwards towards his beak as he nibbled on one after the other.
His eyes darted across the room, checking out each nook, each groove of wood, each object placed upon the shelf.
I was feeling equal parts compassion and amusement, it was quite unusual for me to receive chickens in my studio! Especially those with the capacity to book sessions!
A big sigh emerged from his beak, “The sky is falling in” he said.
I looked outside of my studio, and experienced the rain. This morning it had been beautifully sunny and I had hoped it would stay that way – a disappointment for sure, it meant that my walk in the woods later that afternoon would be cancelled.
I sat and tuned in to my disappointment, it did feel a little like the sky was falling in.
I turned to Chicken Little and said – “I believe you”.
Chicken Little's fearful eyes immediately stopped darting around the room and came to rest on mine. Huge tears fell down his cheek, and his wings flopped to the side – “you do?” he uttered
And in that moment, where our eyes connected – something happened that was so magical. Even though my version of the sky falling down was different to his, we understood something together.
Being believed, had made us feel safe.
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